Ney solosThe videos have been edited by me (Zeki Sözen). videos are edited by me Zeki Sözen There is no sorting measure in the video indexes. When we have new posts, this page consisting of Ney taksim and performances will be updated. Nihavent Saz Semaisi Beste: Reşat Aysu Neyzen: Zeki Sözen
Arrenged by: Faruk Paker Recording Studio: SP Studio recording: Sina Polat Mixing & Mastering: Sina Polat An excerpt from the TV series Once upon a time in Cyprus
The Last Hiccup ( I love you so much I will always love you )
My Gentle Darling
Peaceful Ney solo accompanied by beautiful landscapes.
Salât-ı Ümmiye
Sevda (Göksel Baktagir)
Famagusta Port
The Last Letter (One Love Two Lives Original Soundtrack)
Uşşak makam Ney solo
Bayati peşrev: Seyfettin Osmanoğlu
This My Divane Heart Uşşak Hymn Composition: Hüseyin Sebilci Güfte Kul Yusuf Uşşak İlahi
Buyruğun Tut Rahman'ın Beste: Şeyh Şahabettin Efendi Güfte: Aziz Mahmud Hüdâi
It shines now and then at night at the bottom, In the depths, in my loneliness, happiness is a dead starfish, T hat causeless happiness, with or without. Edip Cansever ( 1928 - 1986 )
Beyati Saz Semaisi Beste: Necmettin Hakkı İzmirli
Nihavent makamında Ney taksimi Pr.Niyazi SAYIN:
Halil Can Hisar buselik ayininden Son Peşrev
Aşk bezirganı Sermaye canı;
Karcigar Ney solo;
The videos in Ney lessons have been completed;
What is a flat voice or long voice and how to blow it?
Eser: Ave Maria Beste: Giulio Caccini 1551-1618 Neyzen: Zeki Sözen
Our lip position, which should be while blowing the Ney, is a closer shot:
Karcigar makam Ney solo
Hicaz Sirto
How do we oil our Ney instrument?
A Cure for Wellness
How do we determine the tone of the Ney instrument?
What kind of Ney instrument should I buy?
Çiçero Film Soundrock
Söyle Naz mı bu kaçış?Kürdilihicazkâr Makam Ney Lessons 11 Şed (Göçürülmüş) Makamlar ve Açıklamaları neyzenim.com
Deniz Altı Resimleri ile Acemkürdi Makamında Ney Taksimi
Uşşak Saz Semaisi (Aziz Dede)
© www.neyzenim.com Neyzen Zeki Sözen |