Ney Lesons 3 ,What is NOTE ?





Ney Lessons

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Ney Lessons - 3 -

What is NOTE ?

 In this lesson we will deal with Music Theory and learn some important music terms.

Let's start our lesson with the term nota:

 What is note?

  The names of the signs that show music sounds are called NOTA.

These sounds, which we use to make musical notes, have seven names.

These sounds are: DO, RE, Mİ, FA, SOL, LA and Sİ.

The sounds mentioned above become notes when expressed in temporal values.

1 Quartet, 1 octal do, a hexadecimal fa ...

So if we define the note:

  Musical notes are signs indicating the temporal values of sounds and silence (signs of silence) used in Music.

  In every musical instrument, notated performance is in question.

We will also learn how to blow our Ney instrument with a note by sticking to this information.

We will even study a very simple hymn or musical instrument with a note.

For these reasons, it is absolutely imperative that we know the note and other musical terms.

Guido de Arezzo

  First of all, it should be noted that Italian developed by Guido de Arezzo was found in the 10th century.

It is known as Guido de Arezzo, Guido Aretinus or Guido Monaco or Guido d'Arezzo.

Guido de Arezzo is considered a music theorist of the Middle Ages

. Guido de Arezzo was born in France (995) and completed his life in Italy (17 May 1050).

The note system, invented by Guido de Arezzo, was named GUIDO Music Notation and has taken its place today.

Arezzo Guido, who saw in the 10th century that every line of a hymn written in the name of Saint Jean-Babiste

started with one of the six (6) notes of the series,

started to try the first note software.

He thought he could take advantage of this hymn as a remedy to keep the sounds shown with these letters in mind

and one of the first syllables of the hymn's words:

He determined the name of the six notes of the series: UT, RE, M, FA, SOL, LA.

There are no SI notes in these notes.

The Si note was later formed by combining the initials of the two words in the last line of the hymn,

and the series is used today:

It was renamed DO, RE, Mİ, ​​FA, SOL, LA, Sİ. If we make the last definition of the note one more time:


It is a music article used and written to read sounds.

Porte: The meaning of this term, which means literally, is in the language of music:

The shape consisting of five parallel straight lines and four kinds of spacing is called PORTE.

In the picture below you see an example of a porte.


 Related to porte lines what we need to know:

The name of the bottom line First Line
Name of the 2nd line from below Second Line
Name of the 3rd line from below Third Line
Name of the 4th line from the bottom Fourth Line
Name of the 5th line below Fifth Line

Please memorize the lines and spacing numbers in the portal.

In our next lessons, we will use the terms such as 1st line and 3rd interval.

In the Picture Below you see an example of a porte showing lines and spacing:


Dimension Line: It is the line that separates each procedural unit in the note.

Key: It is the name of the sign placed at the beginning of the port,

which determines the name of the notes and the exact location in the music scale.

There are Left, Do and Fa keys.

Our Music uses the Left key.

I do not go into details because we do not use Do and Fa keys.

In the picture below you see the Left Key:


Hardware: Before the rhythm writing in the note of a musical piece (such as 4 / 4,6 / 8,10 / 8) and

It is the name given to the pound or flat sign or signs placed on the port immediately after the key.

This sharp and flat mark or signs replace all the notes in the work.

For example, see the picture below.

This section between the Porte switch (Left Key) and the rhythm numbers is hardware.

In the portal you see below, there is a flat sign in front of the Si and Mi curtains.

This tells us that we will play all the notes of Si and Mi in the piece as flat.

In fact, it is also possible to tell which authority the work belongs to by looking at the hardware,

that is, according to the fault signs.

The above equipment is used for the Nihavent makam.

In the picture below, as an example of the Rast authority, you can see the balance signs for the coma flat Fa for Si.

  A piece in Western Music is in minor or major tones, that is, it is both flat to hardware.

Both the pound sign cannot be placed at the same time.

In our music, the flat and the pound sign can be placed at the same time.

For example, in the Hicaz makam, the flat sign for the Si curtain and

the sharper sign for the fa curtain and the fa sharp curtain are written on the equipment:

Stroke: It is the hit of the times by hand in Turkish Music.

Strong times are shot with right hand and its name is called Düm.

Weak times are hit with the left hand and its name is called Single.

Metronome: In music, it is the tool to determine the movement of the works.

From time to time, we will use the metronome to improve our sense of rhythm and play the works with their real tempo.

Click on the metronome below to get online digital metronome:

Click the picture below for Windows users:


 Metronom ile ilgili kırık link için IF A PROBLEM

 Mac kullanıcıları için aşağıdaki resmi tıklayınız :


 Metronom ile ilgili kırık link için IF A PROBLEM

Note Value: The time during which a note is played.

These times are expressed in various forms of notes.

As an example you can see a left note of 1 with a note value of four strokes in the below portal.

 Örnek olarak aşağıdaki portede Nota değeri dört vuruş olan 1 lik bir Sol notası görmektesiniz.




Ropriz: The part of a musical piece to be played or sung twice in a row.

This sign means playing the specified dimension, dimensions or line once again.

After playing the Do note in the surprise sign that we see below, we see the surprise sign and return to the beginning.

We play the Do note once again.

In the same way, we play the re note once again because we see the revelation sign after the Re note.




Tempo: Walking, movement style, weight, walking, rhythm in a piece of music.

The term tempo is used in phrases such as: "brisk track" or "brisk track".

Breath sign: It is a comma sign we know.

When we see this comma sign, we play the note less than its normal value and breathe towards the end of the note.

At the end of the note, we breathe less than the value of the note and breathe.

Or, as you can see in the Re note, if the breath sign is at the beginning of the note, we take a breath and start playing the note.

Metronome: 60



 Let's start UNITY FOUR NOTE.




It is the longest value in music writing.

On the note one 2 or 2 or four or eight or eight or 16

There are 16 notes or 32 notes.

This note is also called a quadruple (4/4) note.

It consists of four strokes.

Now that we have learned the locations of our notes, we can now do tiny works.

Example of Semibreve - 1 -:

Metronome: - 60-

In this study, we can breathe over the note we want, since there is no comma sign.


Important note about the exercises:

Blow the exercises at a slow pace first;

Then you can work at speed.

To speed up our fingers and further fit our lip position, blow out the exercises.

Practice until you can memorize.

Our Videos:


Example of Semibreve - 2 -:

Metronome: 60

In this study, we can breathe over the note we want, since there is no comma sign.




Example of Semibreve - 3 -

Metronome: 60

In this study, we can breathe over the note we want, since there is no comma sign.




Example of Semibreve - 4 -

Metronome: 80

In this study, we can breathe over the note we want, since there is no comma sign.




Example of Semibreve - 5 -

Metronome: 80

In this study, we can breathe over the note we want, since there is no comma sign.





1/2 HALF OR Semibrevis NOTA


It is a two-shot audible time mark.

Value and process are equal to half the note.

It is a two-beat note.

Example of Semibrevis Notes -1-:

 Metronom: 80




  Example of Semibrevis Notes - 2 -:

Metronom: 80



  Example of Semibrevis Notes - 3 -

Metronome: 80 In this study,

we can breathe over the note we want, since there is no comma sign.




  Example of Semibrevis Notes - 4 -

Metronome: 80 In this study,

we can breathe over the note we want, since there is no comma sign.




  Example of Semibrevis Notes - 5 -

Metronome: 80 In this study,

we can breathe over the note we want, since there is no comma sign.





Crochet NOTE


It is a one-shot audible time sign.

Value and process are equal to a quarter of the note.

There are notes of 1/4 or 2 octal or four hexadecimal or eight thirty-second or sixteen sixty-four notes.

In short, it is only called quad and it is a 1 beat note.

Example of Crochet Notes - 1 -:

Metronome: 80




Example of Crochet Notes - 2 -:

Metronome: 80

Explanations for one-fourth notes Example 2:




Example of Crochet Notes - 3 -:

Metronome: 80



Example of Crochet Notes - 4 -:

Metronome: 80




Example of Crochet Notes - 5 -:

Metronome: 80







  It is a half-shot audio time mark.

Value and process are equal to one-eighth of the note.

There are notes of 1/8, or two hexadecimal or four thirty-second or eight sixty-four notes.

It is a half-beat note.

An Example of Eighth Notes - 1 -:

Metronome: 65




An Example of Eighth Notes - 2 -:

Metronome: 65




An Example of Eighth Notes - 3 -:

Metronome: 65




An Example of Eighth Notes - 4 -:

Metronome: 65




An Example of Eighth Notes - 5 -:

Metronome: 65








It is a quarter-shot Audible sign.

The value and the process are equal to one-sixteenth of the score.

On the 1/16 note, there are two thirty notes or four sixty-four notes.

Example of semi-quaver - 1 -:

Metronome: 70




  Example of semi-quaver - 2 -:

  Metronome: 70




  Example of semi-quaver - 3 -:

  Metronome: 65




  Example of semi-quaver - 4 -:

  Metronome: 65




  Example of semi-quaver - 5 -:

  Metronome: 65







It is a 1/32 audio time sign.

For value and process, one to thirty-two of the note, 16-to-2 note,

1 equals one to eight of a four note, 1/4 of an eight note, and 1/2 of a sixteenth note.

There are two sixty-four notes on the 1/32 note.

Example of Note - 1 -:

Metronome: 50

Click on the picture to enlarge the note:



 Example of Note - 2 -:

Metronome: 50

Click on the picture to enlarge the note:






 1/64 Audio time sign.

Value and process are equal to one-sixth of the note. It is the smallest value in music.

Note: In practice, instead of expressions such as 1 octal, 1 hex, 1 32, only eight,

The terms hexadecimal and thirty-second are used.

We completed this lesson here.

You just need to memorize the information I have provided.

You can practice the exercises at even harder pace.

Then, speed up, speed up, work many times.

Work until you reach the level to memorize.

Our goals in the third lesson:

- We must have removed his left curtain strong and strong.

-We know the notes.

-We have finished and memorized the exercises.

-We can do the exercises by heart with our Ney.

Good work.


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