Ney Lessons1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15Ney Lessons -5-Concepts of Nature and Diyez in Turkish MusicIn this lesson, let's take a look at the issue of Sharp and see the curves of La, Do Sharp. Sharp; It is the sign that raises or shines the sound that comes in front of you half way. Sharp Mark
The order of the dash marks is:
Sharp sign was first used in 1300. Sharp signs used in Turkish music:
Meanwhile, irrespective of the subject, you can see the concept of "coma as value" in the table above. Coma: A complete voice is a small interval equal to one in nine. We will talk more about our future courses in coma.
Bekar (Naturel) Note: Single (Naturel) is a sign that indicates that the sounds in the hardware or on the note that have sharp and flat defects will turn into natural sounds (do, re, mi, etc.). Naturel Note:
DO SHARP NOTEKlasik T�rk M�zi�inde bu perdenin ismi N�M H�CAZ hole. We will close Curtains: RIGHT HAND: Head and Toe Fingers. LEFT EL: Middle Fingers. Review the picture below:
Movies :
LA SHARP NOTEKlasik T�rk M�zi�inde bu perdenin ismi K�RD� hole. We will close Curtains: RIGHT HAND: Head Finger, Sign Finger, Middle Finger and Ring Finger. LEFT HAND: Our Sign Fingers. Review the picture below:
Movies :
1 note Study Metronom: 80
faster: 2 Crocet Study: Metronom: 80
More Faster:
Eight one Note Metronom: 80
Examples : Metronom: 80
Important Note: La peaks and Si peaks are the same. In the following example, we will play in the same position as La pseudo-arc, let's take a look at the Si flat work. Metronom: 80 In this work, we can breathe through the note we want because there is no comma sign.
Movies :
Note: If the pitch and flat sign is equipped, all parts are played with sharp and flat. If it is specified in any dimension, it is valid only for that dimension. We must have finished the following steps to pass the other lesson: We have completed our position and now we know our Ney blowing position. -We are starting to extract the left voice or we can blow this sound long. We know by heart what positions are punched in -Re, #Do, Do, Si, #La, La and Left curtains. We have also memorized the number of notes, the double note, the 1 note note and the octave note value, and how many note marks it is. After completing these steps, we can begin our 6th lesson.
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