Ney Lessons 6 , Middle Sounds
Ney Lessons1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15Ney Lessons -6-Middle Sounds;The concept of flat in curtains and Turkish music In this lesson, we will refer to the medium curtains and Flats. The notes we call middle curtains in the Ney instrument: Re, Mi flat, Fa, Fa sharp, Left, La flat and La notes. You can see the locations of the notes on the middle curtain in the following portals. In the following portals, you will see the natural notes in the middle. Re, Mi, Fa, Sol and La notes:
In the following port, you will see the flat and sharp notes in the middle. Notes :
Finalyl: As we do not learn the notes, I do not mention their names here again.
In the middle hole, Locations:Note: We have to blow it a bit harder to get these voices. Our nose will shrink a little more when we blow hard. REFERENCE: We already know this note from previous lesson. But this time, we'll blow Re's voice off all the curtains. We will close the holes: RIGHT HAND: Head, Sign, Middle and Ring Fingers. LEFT EL: Head, Sign, Middle and Ring Fingers. In other words, all our fingers are closed. Review the picture below:
ATTENTION !! If you recall the Neva perdes we were removing from the position: We will close the curtains as follows: RIGHT HAND: Head and middle finger. LEFT EL: Middle Fingers. Review the picture below:
So we can remove the Re field in the 4th line from two different positions. Please review the following video:
MI FLAT NOTE : We will close Holes: RIGHT HAND: Head, Sign, Middle and Ring Fingers. LEFT EL: Sign, Middle and Ring We close 3/4 of our fingers. Review the picture below:
Note: We also turn our head slightly to the left to remove the Mi flat. Normally this curtain is always upright so the sound is sharper. So we turn our head to the left and pause the sound even more. Movie:
Note: We also slightly turn our head to the left to remove the Mi flat curtain.
Re, Mi flat:
Mi flat:
MI NOTE We will close Curtains: RIGHT HAND: Head, Sign, Middle and Ring Fingers. LEFT EL: Sign and Middle Fingers. Review the picture below:
FA NOTE We will close Curtains: RIGHT HAND: Head, Sign, Middle and Ring Fingers. LEFT HAND: Our Sign Fingers. Review the picture below:
FA SHARP NOTE : We will close Curtains: RIGHT HAND: Head, Sign, Middle and Ring Fingers. LEFT EL: Middle Fingers. Review the picture below:
SOL NOTE: We will close Curtains: RIGHT HAND: Head, Pointing Finger and Middle Finger. LEFT EL: Middle Fingers. Review the picture below:
A FLAT NOTE : We will close Curtains: RIGHT HAND: Head and Point Fingers. LEFT EL: Middle Fingers. Review the picture below:
LA NOTE : We will close Curtains: RIGHT HAND: Head and Middle Fingers. LEFT EL: Middle Fingers. Review the picture below:
Let's look at the tiny exercises about the middle curtains and work them over and over again. Minor Exercises 1: Metronom: 60
Important Note: It is not enough to play these exercises once. Work at a hefty tempo at first, then work faster, then work faster and faster. Minor Exercises 2: Metronom: 60
Minor Exercises 3: Metronom: 60
Minor Exercises 4: Metronom: 60
Flat concept in Turkish musicFlat : Before it is the sign that drops or pauses the sound that comes to half the volume. Flat :
The order of writing to portey: si, mi, la, r e, left, do, fa. Arrangement order of flags: Turkish Music Flats:
In Turkish Music, 1, 4 and 5 koma values are used as coma. That is, coma (F), balance (B) and small magic (S) comma are used as coma values.
We finished this lesson, the end of the lesson: - As I have always said, never go to another lesson without ever completing one lesson. - We know the notes on the middle curtains. - We know Mi flat and La bemol notes. We are in a situation where we can play tiny practices. In the next lesson, we will do exercises with notes we have learned. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Neyzen Zeki Sözen |